Friday, September 28, 2007

Persol PO 2281/S

Persol PO 2281/S is one more good male more. It is made specially for men, so it is looking so strong and grey. The Frame is made by Metal-Monel, and the hinge is regular. The colours that Persol PO 2281/S can be founs are: Pewter Frame with Black Mirror Glasses, Gunmetal Frame with Greygreen Glasses, Black (Frame with Greygreen Glasses and Dark Sand Frame with Brown Polarized Glasses. The model will stay good to almost everyone. The avarage price of the model is about 210 US Dollars. For every men that wants too look interesting, strong and to be sigheted from everyone, this is the model. This summer Persol PO 2281/S became very popular in some countries in Western Europe. Even in Holliwood this model was seen. You should try this model for you and your eyes.

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